January 19, 2022

Data Integrity & Data Relevance

Mission-critical processes, high-value transactions, and the reporting of risk, governance, and compliance can be heavily impaired by data quality. Digital Cognates provide custodianship of your data in two vital vectors
January 19, 2022

Digital Transformation

In recent years there has been a pre-occupation with the “digitalisation” of legacy processes, business models and management thinking. Why? Managers seem mesmerised by digital technology, but with what result?
January 19, 2022

Transformative Approach

Recent experience has put supply chain resilience right back at the top of the global agenda for businesses and governments alike. The impact of black swan events, from the pandemic to conflicts and extreme weather, means that “just in case” is as important as “just in time”
January 19, 2022

Digital Cognate White Paper

Digital Cognate has built an innovative architecture that embeds trust in every process and transaction. It provides a robust solution to the risk management, governance and compliance challenges faced by global asset managers and simultaneously provides them an unprecedented opportunity to define, build and create their own digital assets.
January 19, 2022

Governments and Data

Governments have been around for a long time. Amazon has been around for less than thirty years. And yet we increasingly use Amazon (and other similar digital giants) as the measure by which to judge government. We expect a lot from government and are quick to complain when public services don’t arrive as quickly or efficiently as the goods we order online.
January 19, 2022

Incorporating ESG and Sustainability into Our Strategy

Our Substainabilty documents clearly sets out our acheivements and goals since teh companies inception.