Technology for the Future
What is a Digital Cognate?
A Digital Cognate is a uniquely identifiable and cryptographically protected virtual representation, linked to an identifiable real world physical asset. The Digital Cognate will hold all required commercial, compliance and historical detail relating to that asset.
Digital Cognates enable previously unknown, separate and multiple parties within an ecosystem to securely connect and transact with each other in complete trust and transparency.
How It Works
The Digital Cognate aggregates all the necessary affinity data, sources, approvals and time stamps associated and according to the agreed business rules, pre-defined work flows and permissioned access rights.
It then securely hashes this data, ensuring security, privacy, immutability and authentication.
The Digital Cognate is then stored in the AWS QLDB, enjoying all the benefits of a cloud solution including high speed, low cost, system durability, scalability, accessibility, agility and sustainability.
Developed using the same cryptographic mathematics and techniques as blockchain – but without all the disadvantages or limitations of a public distributed ledger network – the Digital Cognate offering is based on a unique centralised solution that directly integrates with your existing legacy systems and workflows.
It is quick and easy to implement, scalable, resilient, transparent and highly secure.
Safe, Secure, Hosted and Resilient
Digital Cognate is a centralised, cloud-based solution that has been specifically designed for business applications that require the highest levels of security, privacy or control for massively complex, classified or sensitive data, processes or agreements.
High speed, highly scalable, durable, permanent, flexible and easy to implement, manage and control, Digital Cognates can both store vast quantities of data and also facilitate critical business transactions, processes and workflows.
The Future
The core applications - Physical to digital, Digital to digital, Risk management, audit and control, and Assets, logistics and inventory - are only the beginning of Digital Cognate’s capabilities.
We are already developing a number of additional ground-breaking new applications for Digital Cognate:
- Functionality providing the basis for Ricardian Contracts, i.e., machine-readable contracts, immutably linked to a human-readable version which will be legally binding
- Tokens with intrinsic value that can be transferred or used as collateral
- Digital Cognate as a "bridge" between centralised clou-based asset creation and transfer via distributed ledgers
- The legal status of" Non Fungible Digital Cognates" deriving from Digital Cognate’s unique structure